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No more mup No more muppets 1.0



Size 85.87 MB

Filedate Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:19

Filename NoMoreMuppets_Install.exe

Downloads 303

Created Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:18

Changed Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:18


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No More Muppets Mod.



Version 1.0



What is it ?



Are you also tired of talking to those muppet like creatures that seem totally out of place flying those badass ships ? Than maybe this mod is for you. This dat file contains stills of all the pilot avatars that appear in the top right contact window while in space (also the plot driven ones, like Noah and Ban Danna). They have been cartoonified, but don't look muppet like at all. Screenshots are included.


The 7 races and plot characters a player communicates with got new avatars.


- Argon, Boron, Teladi, Split, Paranid, Pirates, Terrans/Aldrians will show new faces.


Permission to use the grafic work was granted by:


- Wen-JR: The split that wears no helmet. ( The concept drawings I found from the split look a bit too "Elven" to my taste. So I chose something more warlike.

- Axeface: For his Boron and Paranid characters. (


The others are part of television series screenshots (Dr Who, Cyberman helmets and Weyland Yutani helmets for the Split)

- Humans, screenshots from the forum of EVE online's character creator creations.

- Teladi: (Dr Who television show; Alaya and her twin sister from Hungry Earth) since Teladi all are females, she seemed like an appropriate choice.


- A big thank you to Illuminatus to put me on the right track.


What will it delete/overwrite ?



it will delete/overwrite file 00001.dat in the mov folder of your X3TC installation.


How to install



Keep a copy of the original should you want to reinstall the muppets.

self extracting installer point it to temp file and copy over to MOV folder.


Have fun communicating.


Terran avatars:

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