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X3TC Cheat Pac X3TC Cheat Package



Size 137.28 KB

Filedate Sunday, 18 December 2011 00:00

Filename CheatCollectionPackageAP-V1.62-18.12.2011.spk

Downloads 3,161

Created Sunday, 18 December 2011 20:17

Changed Sunday, 18 December 2011 20:17


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I have created a cheat package for use with X3TC, which i and other betatesters have used when testing the game.

The cheat scripts use many of the new features of scripting in X3TC, especially the use of the custom menu. So these can be used as a good example when you start to script yourself.

To install, use the plugin manager to install the spk file

 :arrow: Using Cheats[list]
The cheat scripts are fairly straight forward to use, and is all contained within a single menu. There is a station command available via your stations command console as well as one in your ships command console. Both of this will open the cheats menu.

The 3rd way is to use the hotkey which you can set in the controls menu.


 :arrow: Cheat Menu[list]
When the menu opens up it will have a certain target object. This is either the ship/station you ran the command from, or your current target if using the hotket (if no target, then the playership)

The first option will switch the current target to any object you select. The 2nd section has all the commands available for the target object. Different options will apear depending on the target.

the 3rd section is the global scripts, and will also be available.
the 4th section is to create any objects like ships and stations

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