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Category: Missions
Downloads: 5
Date Monday, 27 February 2012 23:16
File Size 5.51 KB
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Date Monday, 27 February 2012 23:16
File Size 9.97 KB
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Date Monday, 27 February 2012 23:16
File Size 3.09 MB
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Rescue Princess


Version: 1.0

Date: 01/03/10

Type: Mission Director Script

Author: enenra & Jens Ka



A remake of the "Rescue the Boron Princess Menelaus" mission in the games till X3: Reunion. You will be able to only do it one time unless the mission is aborted.
The requirements to start this mission is to have the sixth boron rank.

This MD script is set up to use the Galaxy News System. While it is not necessary to play this mission, it adds a lot to it and therefore it is strongly recommended to install the GNS as well. It can be downloaded here:

Galactic News System (BBS 2.0)

I commented the MD script out practically entirely. This way it can serve as an easily-understandable example for other MD beginners like me. :)



Copy the two directories contained in the archive into your X3: Terran Conflict installation folder.



button_download.gif Rescue Princess V 1.0

spk.png Rescue Princess V 1.0


Technical Information

The MD script uses the string L2M401 and the file is called 2.401 Rescue Princess.xml .

The MD script uses text page 7125 and adds a line to the Egosoft text page 353200 (50001).



enenra - For writing the base code

Jens Ka - For showing me how to develop the code into something actually usable.

Trickmov - For testing the mission and providing valuable feedback.


This is my first MD Script. It is simple and short and not comparable to most other MD Scripts available out there. But hey - who doesn't want to play the shiny knight and save a princess from certain death? ;)
(A squid princess but a princess nevertheless. :D )


Author enenra
Date Monday, 27 February 2012 23:16
File Size 9.5 KB
Download 570


Die Mission richtet sich an die, die Schiffe entern! 

Mit dieser Mission werden hier und da Informanten in Stationen sein. 

Bei den Informanten könnt ihr euch den Aufenthaltsort eines Schiffes Kaufen! 

Die Mission wird als Think Mission angeboten. 



Die JKa Informant Datei in den director Ortner im X3 TC Hauptverzeichnis! 

Spielername in Thereshallbewings ändern. Spiel speichern und neu laden. 

Wer den Script Editor schon aktiviert hat Brauch nur sein Spiel Starten! 



Mit X3 Terran Conflict V1.2.1 

Alles andere ohne Gewähr! 

Author Jens Ka
Date Monday, 13 June 2016 15:27
File Size 2.52 KB
Download 377