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Category: Navigation Scripts
Downloads: 23
When a ship flies to a carrier/station with the intention of docking it occasionally freezes indefinitely when it reaches the very start of theblinkenlighten runway markers. It was also reported that a ship could freeze indefinitely when sitting at the docking clamps but not [i]quite[/i] docking.

This script is designed to fix the former but possibly also the latter. (could not reproduce)
Author Gazz
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 6.95 KB
Download 580
I made this for myself as I was getting seriously chuffed off at constantly pressing up down on the arrow keys to get to the sector I wanted while scripting.
Author LV
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 15.97 KB
Download 538
So you're flying your M2 and want to check out the mission symbol on that station.
Too bad it's 80 km away.
Flying an M2 there is just... depressing.
Author Gazz
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 11.19 KB
Download 519
Wanna tell all the fighters owned by a certain carrier to return home ?
They're all across the galaxy and there's a ton of them ?
You don't want to search for them one by one (carrier property list is just too long) ?
This script have the answer !
Author seedee
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 4.36 KB
Download 549
This script is based on milling_hordes's Advanced jumper for X2
I did a partial conversion, rewriting some things, adding some new
Basically you'll have 3 new ware that can be bought of Argon Eq.Dock
Quantum Hyperbolic Drive, Singularity Slope Tension Converter, Singularity projector

Author Loky77
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 5.39 MB
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In XTM and XTC there are some ships that have trouble undocking without blowing up while the player is IS. This is due to their sheer size causing them to crash into the station they are undocking from.

There are a few ships that also suffer from this available as mods for TC, and in both cases the simplest way to solve this problem is for the player to order the ship to undock while they are OOS.

We found this spoilt the immersion factor, especially if it was a ship you were flying. Having to get into another ship and to fly OOS just to undock, and then to return to your ship of choice was a real bind.

The safe undocking scripts we created for X3RXTM to solve this have now been ported across to TC. So that everyone can have ships that don't blow up when they undock, we have altered our XTC scripts to work as standalone scripts for everyone to use.

These are very simple scripts that just turn the collision detection off on big ships for a short amount of time when you undock, thus stopping the ship from crashing into the station it is undocking from.
Author XTC Team
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 4.94 KB
Download 771
Having nav cmd MK1 and a jump drive, player ships will now have the command, "Free Jump" in the Navigation menu. Warps ship to specific coordinates within any sector. Does not require energy cells or cargo space for energy cells. Can warp ships to all Terran Sectors (doesn't require gates).
Author Graxster
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 9.22 KB
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This plugin adds a command in your ships command console to move to specified coordinates. You type in the coordinates in an input box.
Author Cycrow
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 4.33 KB
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The ship will [i]speed[/i] through the landing approach with it's regular cruising speed instead of flying with 40-100 m/s.
Especially useful with the silly big terran stations where you tavel through 20+ km of landing corridor...
Author Gazz
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 3.47 KB
Download 561
This AL-Plugin saves some typing (and nerves), especially if you're traveling with a carrier.
Author Gazz
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 8.9 KB
Download 575
Many spacefighterflygames have a key to align your ship with "the plane". True 3D is very hard to display on 2D screens so most games (including X3) use basically flat sectors.
Author Gazz
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 13.13 KB
Download 538
I'm missing a few dear features I got used to in Reunion.
Now I have to [i]manually [/i]order [i]every [/i]Jumpdrive use and convenient commands like [i]Jump to Me [/i]just don't exist.
(Yes, there is an Autojump feature in TC but alas, it only works sometimes.)
Author Gazz
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 16.17 KB
Download 563
Command automatically maps unexplored sectors, optionally scanning asteroids as it goes (requires Mineral Scanner).

Sectors who's owner is marked as enemy in this ship's friend-foe settings will be entered, but not mapped. The explorer will automatically retreat upon entering such a sector.
Author ThisIsHarsh
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 11.7 KB
Download 694
This script allows you to place multiple Trans-orbital accelerators or Gates anywhere on the universe and link them afterwards. All you need is special command software and a JumpPoint Flatpack for each Gate/TOA
Author BinaryBoy
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 27.64 KB
Download 804
Author SpaceTycoon
Date Thursday, 14 June 2012 19:39
File Size 21.7 KB
Download 581
Author seedee
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 4.93 KB
Download 528
Finds a random derelict ship and jumps you to it within 2km of it.
Author apricotslice
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 7.98 KB
Download 588
This device supplies encrypted coordinates for ships fitted for it, which can then be used to jump to certain positions. The beacon can supply a guidance signal to its own position. To do such a calculation a trained navigator is required. He can be recruited from the military transport.
Author Lucike
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 41.81 KB
Download 598
Script allowing to
1. Deploy satellites in different patterns. Coordinates are to be choosen freely
2. Collect satellites
3. Explore the universe

Manual included inside the archive.
Author Nicoman35
Date Saturday, 27 October 2012 07:06
File Size 149.45 KB
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This script allows you to jump to a specified location, without need for a gate. It uses all the effects of regular jumping, only gateless. It has both a hotkey (which works about the same as the J key, except you specify a location rather than a gate) and a command.

Either option will ask you if you wish to bring followers if you have ships that are currently following you. Your ship and all followers must have a jumpdrive, navigation command, and the required energy cells. If a ship does not have one of these things, you will be sent a message.

Gateless jumps cost twice as much as regular jumps, so carry extra cells. It is more efficient to jump long distances to a gate, and then jump the remaining distance with the gateless jump.

Using this you can jump to otherwise difficult to access sectors, like the Terran sectors or a specific location inside Aldrin. Jumping directly onto a station by targeting it is perfectly safe - if you do, the game automatically moves you to a position near it.

[b]Installation:[/b] Copy the folders in this zip file (t and scripts) into your X3TC directory. Alternatively, copy the t file and the 5 scripts over manually.

[b]Uninstallation:[/b] Since this script creates a hotkey, I have included an uninstall script. Run a.a.paulp.gatelessjump.uninstall using the script editor and the hotkey will be removed.

[b]Instructions for use: [/b]
After the files are installed, a hotkey and a command will be created on game load. To use the hotkey you must go into controls, interface, and find the Gateless Jump hotkey. Set it to whatever key you like. The command is in the Navigation section of your command console, labeled as Jump to Position.

Simply press the key or pick the command, select a sector, then select a position. If you have followers you will be prompted whether or not they should follow you. After this the standard jump countdown will start, and once it reaches 100% you will jump as normal. As soon as you jump, the script moves you to the specified coordinates. You will likely see the initial entry view for a second or so before you get moved - this is normal, and I believe it is unavoidable. After you're in, your followers should start popping in within a couple seconds. There is a small randomness to the timing, so the ships won't all pop in at once.

v.2 adds Jump to Dock. This jumps the ship near the station or carrier the same as if you had selected it as the position for Jump to Position, and then it attempts to dock. Their are also now wing command versions of both of these, which simply tell the entire wing to jump. These wing versions automatically have all followers jump with them, since I assumed if you were jumping wings you would want all the ships to jump.

I have tested this script extensively, and I think I've tracked down most of the bugs. I even tested things like issuing an order to a lead ship to jump a chain of followers out with the player following the ship at the end, and it all worked fine. However, if you find a bug please tell me in this thread so I can correct it.  
Author PaulP
Date Thursday, 14 June 2012 19:24
File Size 14.81 KB
Download 663
I made this for myself as I was getting seriously chuffed off at constantly pressing up down on the arrow keys to get to the sector I wanted while scripting.
Author LV
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 21:32
File Size 14.83 KB
Download 546
Tired of spending 90% of your playing time flying to somewhere or from somewhere? Tired of trying to catch enemy ships that are faster than you? Then this mod is for you! Simply extract into your scripts directory, assign a Hotkey (I use Shift + W, bc it's easy to remember W = Warp), and you'll be hopping around sectors like a rabbit!
Author Graxster
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 2.67 KB
Download 564
This uses somewhat more intelligence in deploying Advanced Satellites around the galaxy than the stock version. Crucially, the jumpdrive will be used, and refueled as necessary, using the ship's autojump and refuel settings.

Sectors will not be visited if the ship's friend-foe settings indicate it is an enemy. You can also blacklist sectors in the preload menu.
Author ThisIsHarsh
Date Monday, 28 February 2011 19:04
File Size 12.92 KB
Download 625