Category: Information gathering
Downloads: 26
Run this script and it will set all the asteroids in the game as already scanned. You're gonna scan them all anyway, so why waste time?



This is a mod originally made by Cycrow here is the original.
Good mod, there was just one thing that anoyed me: When having a few hundred (or more) SEWN satellites, the game lags more and more. This is because there is a tracking script running on every satellite that uses SEWN. I changed this. Now, there is just one global script checking activities on SEWN satellites. Advantage: smaler cpu footprint. Disadvantage: The reaction time of the nework will decrease the more satellites you have.
I also made changes to the report features. Log, message and voice warnings are switchable as well as of course the time interval. Also, enemies are listed at a report menu, which can be called with a hotkey (my favourite). Thus you are no longer anoyed by reports.
Good mod, there was just one thing that anoyed me: When having a few hundred (or more) SEWN satellites, the game lags more and more. This is because there is a tracking script running on every satellite that uses SEWN. I changed this. Now, there is just one global script checking activities on SEWN satellites. Advantage: smaler cpu footprint. Disadvantage: The reaction time of the nework will decrease the more satellites you have.
I also made changes to the report features. Log, message and voice warnings are switchable as well as of course the time interval. Also, enemies are listed at a report menu, which can be called with a hotkey (my favourite). Thus you are no longer anoyed by reports.

This X3 Terran Conflict script will place player-owned satellites in every sector EXCEPT Xenon and Kha'ak. It will place either 1, 4, or 6, depending on the size of the sector (distance between gates). It's not going to be perfect - you may have to add a few sats, or move some around a bit, but in most sectors you'll be covered 100%. NOTE that there is currently a GAME BUG that sometimes prevents Jumpgates from showing up when you are OOS. (ie: One of your ships is Exploring, or a Satellite is there. In these cases you must personally go locate the gates (until the game bug is fixed). Enjoy!
