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Category: Piracy and Acquisitions
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This script allows player to use marines to board friendly and hostile stations. Team leader will provide voice report during combat stages, while hacker in-charge will provide report during pre-docking (if necessary) and computer core stages.
Author uberex
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 14.7 KB
Download 806
If you don't want to read (or don't know how), skip to the second post and start hijacking.

Ever wondered why System Override Software (SOS) is illegal? You think it's because it lets its owners claim abandoned ships from the comfort of their pilot seat? Pffff, peanuts. If that was all, it would make as much sense for the Boron to outlaw water pistols.
*No, SOS is much more powerful than that.

System Override Software can be used in conjunction with a Transporter Device and a few computer components to actually hack an opponent's ship and take control -- ejecting the current pilot and crew before they even know what's happened. It can even be used to take over factories since they generally have no security personnel on board to worry about contesting control after the computer systems have been hijacked. The workers don't care who they're working for as long as they get to keep their jobs. (What's the difference between working for pirates and working for the government, right?)**

After a ship's (or factory's) shields have been reduced to the point where your transporter device can gain access to the target's interior, it can transport and install the specially programmed computer components into the target's expansion slots where software extension modules are usually installed. The computer components then begin bypassing the ship's communication system to give your SOS access to internal systems. Then as long as you stay within communication range, the SOS goes to work on the mainframe computer, surreptitiously gaining control of each system until the point when it can suddenly assert that control and eject the occupants before they have a chance to counter. Unfortunately, marines and mercenaries are trained against such attacks and thus must be dealt with differently. To thwart any attempt at sabotage, the SOS momentarily disables the ship's cargo life support systems when it asserts control.***

It isn't a foolproof method, though. Because it is an automated hacking program, there will be occasional failures that result in the target system becoming aware of the alien components and disabling them.****Advanced Firewall Software also provides extra protection against internal hacking and thus greatly reduces chances of success when it is installed in the target's system. And Xenon targets are especially difficult for the SOS to disable as the Xenon are the ships themselves and much more intelligent than the SOS can safely be. (Wouldn't want it smart enough to decide to take over your own ship, now, would you?)

On a more positive note, drones are no problem and don't even require the remote installation of computer components. They are not controlled by internal systems, but rather via command signals from their host ship; SOS can hack these signals and take control of the drones without much difficulty and without the need to physically attack them.

But who wants fortune without fame? Not to worry, continued hijacking success will also gain you the respect of your fellow gentlemen (and women) of fortune.*****You can also avoid unwanted attention from authorities by installing Software Signature Scrambler. (Now available at Anarchy Ports everywhere, thanks to successful negotiations with Duke's Buccaneers!)******
Author mailleweaver
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 15.29 KB
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Being frustrated with enemy ships having defense systems ready for you if you try to board their ship? Having marines shredded by Internal Security lasers, thwarted by Hull Polarization or having problems hacking that final computer because of Advanced Firewalls? Here is the solution for you!

Hack Target System integrates with the Special Command Software MK1 to let you hack enemy defense systems before you let your marines board the ship. You need to bring 10 Microchips per system the target has, and the procedure is so delicate that it is either all or nothing. So if the targeted ship has all three devices installed you need 30 Microchips to be successful. You also need to be within 1500 meters of the ship, and their shields must be below 10 % to initiate hacking.

Since the Central Core computer is not open networked, it still needs to be hacked on-site by your marines as you normally would during boarding procedures.

Now go get those ships!
Author xiriod
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 5.31 KB
Download 617
This script allows player to use marines to board friendly and hostile stations. Team leader will provide voice report during combat stages, while hacker in-charge will provide report during pre-docking (if necessary) and computer core stages.
Author uberex
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 15.96 KB
Download 631
This script adds a ship general command called [Property Baron]. Property Baron allows a Player to buy any NPC station or factory (except shipyards) located in space. Within the X3 Universe there is always an NPC station or factory ready to be sold to you. This script has numerous indications. It is great if you are playing a pirate and shipyards will not sell you stations. Or, maybe you have your eye on a certain factory that is perfectly placed and you want it. Then again, maybe you want to become a property baron and own all stations within a certain sector. Well, now you can.
Author Nividium
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 3.5 KB
Download 685
This script supplies a piracy command for the ability to convert a passenger to a basic marine for ships that can accomodate them.

It is done by first placating them with space fuel until sufficiently subdued and then using firearms to place them into bondage as a marine for you.

There is a chance however, that the passenger will fight back and as a result end up being killed in the ensuing struggle. This varies slightly by race but is about a 50 % chance.
Author pelador
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 6.71 KB
Download 636
The New Low Frequency Locator has four levels, You can upgrade the device via the Bank(not ready yet) or by docking at pirate bases.

The scanner will allow you to scan any ship anywhere, It will report dependant on level the scanned ships details.

To equip the scanner Level 1 costs 400,000 credits, at this level you will get minimal information from the ship covering the pilots skill levels

Level 2 allows access to more information including it's orders (where the ship is trading) and destination and other upgrades, Level 2 costs 1 million credits

Level 3 covers all the ships details and cargo, the cost is 5 million credits

Level 4 is for hunters only, It will report details of all marines and boarding thresholds, it cost 50 million credits
Author LV
Date Tuesday, 15 March 2011 14:18
File Size 17.88 KB
Download 611
This script will enable you to capture NPC stations/factories. You need a TP class ship and marines or Mercs to take a station by force. It doesn't matter what training a marine/merc has, as long as he can fire a rifle, he's good enough. The more Marines/mercs you have the better, so get at least 10 for your TP ship. There is a 50% chance that you will be outnumbered and lose a battle for a station. Stations don't have that much in the way of armed security so for the most part capture is common. You will suffer a sizeable loss of rep or notoriety with the race of the station whether you win or lose the battle. If you win the battle, any remaining marines/mercs will stay behind and form the new security force for the newly acquired station. You can capture both blue and red stations ie friend or foe. For foe stations, the marines will use a carrier wave feedback loop to hack the station's docking computer which will allow them to dock at the foe station. You need to have the TP in the target sector where the target station is before using the [Capture Stations] command. Desirable indications for those who want to play as Pirates and cannot buy stations from a shipyard or cannot afford to buy stations, but, can afford to buy 10 marines or mercs from time to time. DONOT use on a plot enabled station, a race HQ, stations that sell jumpdrives or transporter devices. DONOT use your own personal [PLAYERSHIP] TP class ship to try and capture stations!

Once your TP and marines are in the correct sector, activate the command. You will be prompted for a sector and station so input that. That's it. The TP will dock at the victom station and the battle will begin.
Author Nividium
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 5.42 KB
Download 641
Quite a simple idea. The game has patrols check for illegal factories. Now if the factory is illegal but you have a 'licence' purchased using the hotkey it's ignored. These wares are still illegal to carry and trade, just not for you to produce, your factories will be safe!
Author EmperorJon
Date Tuesday, 08 February 2011 20:33
File Size 5.46 KB
Download 598
This script enables players to claim any sector (known or unknown) as their own. It changes the Race in the Universe Map to their player name.
Author Lazerath
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 4.05 KB
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Bribe A Pilot adds a Hotkey function to your Playership. This Hotkey allows a Player to make offers to other ship pilots. If the target ship likes your offer, they will give you their ship and it's cargo in exchange for your offer. The pilot will then work for you instead of himself. Whether or not a pilot will accept your offer depends upon his "morale" values. If he is unhappy, he will be more apt to sell you his ship and for a much lower price (just to get rid of the responsibilities). Most ship owners will sell their ship at average price and give you their weapons, upgrades and cargo for free. But, you never know when you will run into an unhappy camper who will sell at any reasonable offer. Actual offer increments are made behind the scenes and you do not have to worry or fuss with each offer, other than to press your hotkey to make another offer to the target ship. Don't take "No" for an answer, keep making offers to the target ship until your offer is high enough and they say "yes". An email will be sent if an offer is successful and accepted by a target pilot.
Author Nividium
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 8.5 KB
Download 670
Ship Hijacker adds a Hotkey function to your Playership. This Hotkey allows a Player to activate the Transporter Device and beam a Computer Component over to a victom's ship (if the victom's ship shields are down to zero). The computer component then rewrites the ship's computer system thus provides an override for the Player to gain control of the victom's ship. The computer component has System Override Software programmed in, so control of the victoms ship now belongs to you. The victom pilot becomes scared that you will shut off air supply and will bail out into an advanced space suit.
Author Nividium
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 5.04 KB
Download 711
Author arcana75
Date Thursday, 03 March 2011 20:09
File Size 6.59 KB
Download 763