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Ship Load Ship Loadouts



Size 13.1 KB

Filedate Tuesday, 13 January 2009 00:00


Downloads 432

Created Wednesday, 23 February 2011 13:45

Changed Wednesday, 23 February 2011 13:45


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This is basically a weapon switcher for your ship. It has up to 10 per ship going from 0 to 9. And the best thing, it uses only one hotkey.
*Cheers to Gazz for his hotkey double click doo hickey*

Setup Procedure
To install, smack these into the scripts folder, and bind a hotkey the normal way.

Uninstall Procedure
To uninstall, open the script editor, run the uninstall script "plugin.hotkey.loadout.uninstall"

What makes this different/better then other ones?
A: Its context sensitive (see next)

To open up the MENU, double tap the hotkey (Hit the second tap within 0.3 of a second). Then select the loadout and configure it. You can also delete loadouts here.


Setup your weapons normally.
If you don't have any loadouts, and you press it, it will save your CURRENT loadout to loadout 0
If you only have one loadout, and you press it, it will save your CURRENT loadout to loadout 1.

If you have 2+ loadouts, then pressing it will switch between them. (Skipping any empty ones)

The future of this script
To be honest... this is a chopped up version of one from my voice control system. And I never really intended to use it for hotkeys. (as one of the things my voice thing does is obsolete hotkeys)
But... if there is enough pressing demand, I will change the context sensitive part to search through ALL loadouts for what this ship is currently using (possibly irrespective of position), and THEN add one/swap the loadout

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